Dracula, Breed of Darkness is a fast paced action thriller that combines World War II history, Dracula, Nazi vampires, Navy SEALS and Adolf Hitler. Just prior to World War II ending, Hitler was desperate to win the war and would do anything to avoid Germany’s invasion and occupation and keep the Third Reich intact. He sent a team of SS Commanders to Romania to locate Count Dracula’s casket and bring it back to Berlin. The casket was recovered but the war ended. Hitler afraid the Soviets and American allies would locate the casket he ordered the Captain of U-Boat 704 to scuttle the submarine with all hands on board at the bottom of the Baltic sea. Dracula and the casket were lost for over 70 years… until today. The U-Boat is discovered by Marine Archeological team looking for a Nordic vessel. Hitler’s son takes great interest in the recovery and restoration of the World War II sub. Unknown to the world, Adolf Hitler is still alive after being captured in Argentina. He has been kept alive through human genetic DNA regeneration conducted by Russian scientists. He is now an old man and 123 years old. Schultz hires a mercenary team of ex-Navy SEALS to rescue his father from a remote Russian prison and then recover Dracula’s casket from the U-Boat that is filled with Nazi Vampires. Dracula lives. Hitler and Dracula’s blood is combined into a serum that could create an invincible army of Nazi vampires. There is a dramatic action packed ending all rolled into this suspenseful novel. This novel Dracula Breed of Darkness is only the beginning of a three part vampire trilogy. After reading the first novel of the Dracula trilogy you will be on the edge of your seat until the movie comes out and two subsequent novels. Dracula is back and stronger than ever.
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